& CONTRAST – Time Travel.
Find and post the images of the artwork mentioned in the Topic Essay Question.
Find examples and describe the similarities and connections between Scythian,
Celtic, and Viking iconography. Can you name one other example between three
other distinct cultures, time periods, and geographic locations? Describe what
other discoveries you made in your research.
Study these cultures and their iconography and base a hypothesis about the
meaning behind their artwork on these studies. Not only that but clearly show
representations of each cultures unique art, and how they link visually and historically
The reason for asking this question is to help one understand the idea of how
ones culture can influence the next, and how a cultures nationalism and pride
can affect their own.
The purpose behind this question is to better help one understand how small the
world really is, how different cultures affect one another without even realizing
it, and how we as humans affect one another in small and large amounts.
Studying this topic gave me a better understanding of how small the world
really is in the sense that we affect each other without even realizing it, how
the beginning of a thought or the basis of an idea can be picked up by another
and be embellished further upon. An idea
can go from being mediocre, based on guess work and luck, to excellent, based
on study and tedious labor, simply by sticking around long enough and getting
mulled over by enough of the right people. We as individuals and as a culture
as a whole have a tendency to try to create and move forward. To improve on
past ideas or ideals in an attempt to create a bigger, more clear picture of
things, a better understanding of the world around us, and another step closer
to answering the unanswerable questions.
Without differences in cultures or the
different ways a cultures ideals can influence another’s, many of the
advancements that have been made in our society may or may not have come to exist.
One cultures way of thinking might spark a wonderful and fantastic idea in
another cultures thought process, where one culture might have missed a key
element in a historically influential design. Another culture may inspire the
idea that will solve the problem.
All of these cultures show an interaction in their art between men,
animal, and spirit, as well as the reflections of all three in a spiritual
contest combined in their artwork. The basis of one cultures belief in mythological
forms and another’s, in my eyes, all come from the same source. I believe that
each culture has a similar basis for their separate religions, and that is what
I believe to be a strong influence in their art work.
The Scythians, a nomadic people from the Middle East, “lived in Central
Asia and parts of Eastern Europe between c. 900 BCE and c. 350 CE. Related to
the Persians, but mixed with Turkic Central Asians." (http://asianhistory.about. com/od/glossaryps/g/Who-Were- the-Scythians.htm)
The Scythian culture is “famed as warriors, and were among the first peoples to
develop horsemanship into an art form."(http://asianhistory. Were-the-Scythians.htm)
They were also know and are "famous for the incredibly beautiful gold
jewelry"(http://asianhistory. Were-the-Scythians.htm)
the Scythian people "faded away around A.D. 100. The Greek historian
Herodotus describes the Scythians as murderous nomads. As for how the
Scythians—who did not have a written language—perceived themselves, only their
artifacts and human remains are left to speak for them."( 2008/jul/25-frozen-siberian- mummies-reveal-a-lost- civilization#.UNJzkJG9KSM)
Celt, also spelled KELT, Latin CELTA, plural Celtae, a member of an early
Indo-European people who from the 2nd millennium BC to the 1st century BC
spread over much of Europe. The people who made up the various tribes of
concern were called Galli by the Romans and 'Galatai' or 'Keltoi' by the
Greeks, terms meaning 'barbarian' (Celts, Celt, Celtic civilization). It is
from the Greek 'Keltoi' that 'Celt' is derived." (http://www.lost- civilization.html)
- Greeks found the colony of Massilia, opening up trade between the Celts of
inland Europe and the Mediterranean. First evidence of Britain having a name -
Albion - (albino, white - called after the chalk-cliffs of Dover)"http://www.lost- civilization.html)
Dover being where the Celts organized from.
Scythian as well as the Celts and the Viking culture who were also a warrior
culture and where considered heathens. "VAE VICTUS also known as woe to
the vanquished"(http://www.lost- civilization.html)
which I believe to be a motto fitting of their times. The Viking culture
although considered barbarians they founded many civilizations all over the
world. "The Viking settlers found the city of Dublin in Ireland. As wall
as York in England..." There are a few more examples of this from this
link ( htm)
brings it all together for me. The Vikings and Celts are both Anglo and Saxon.
The Vikings settled all over taking their knowledge with them of such things as
metal work and so on. With this the places they invaded and the knowledge that
previously existed in these places created new culture and art and so much
more. Vikings raided other places for precious materials such as gold and
jewels, as well as anything of value.
“The Vikings
inherited the earlier European Germanic interlaced and zoomorphic decorative
art, but in their hands it developed into several distinct and highly complex
styles. From the baroque sophistication of the Oseberg style, to the highly
patterned beasts of the Mammen style and the delicacy of the Urnes style,
Viking art was as complex and rich as their poetry.” (
I have noticed a trend in these cultures with zoomorphic art work as well as in Egyptian
and Greek artwork. For me this is mans way of showing that we are closer to
nature then we think.
Bridle Plaque with
a Beast of Prey, Scythian, 5th cent. BCE, cast bronze, 10.5 x 9.7 cm, State
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
"Stone souls
of Scythia"
“Save the stone women that are outside the
museum collections in the "Mystetskyi Arsenal" exhibition.”
This goes back to my statement of their art embodying
the soul.
Viking zooantropomorphic
9th Century Oxgall inks pigment on vellum, 12 3/4 X 9 1/2" (text p424)
Book of the Dead 1285 BCE hight 15 5/8" (text p77)
Book of the Dead 1285 BCE hight 15 5/8" (text p77)
750 BCE Bronze, hight 4 6/16" (text p105)
750 BCE Bronze, hight 4 6/16" (text p105)
447-432 BCE marble, hight 56" ( text p132)
447-432 BCE marble, hight 56" ( text p132)
125 CE Mosaic, 23X 36" (text p200)
of Mexico
“An ancient zooantropomorphic
ceramic represents a face, half of a living man, the other half a skull. The
eye and the orbital zone are pierced. Height cm. 8.5, width. cm. 7.3.
(Tlatilco, Mexico, medium Preclassico Period.) (National Museum of Anthropology
of City of Mexico.) This maschera is described in
the Museum as a characterization of "the dualism life and death."
Two-faced zooantropomorphic sculpture of El Juyo
height cm 35 , wide cm.32,5, thick cm.22,5.
height cm 35 , wide cm.32,5, thick cm.22,5.
Devon - This may be your last essay but it is your best. Casting aside citing and other requirements and, focusing solely on your the knowledge and insight you exhibited and even the elimination of your usual typos, your "answer", "argument" or "response" to this essay demonstrated your grasp of the topic. Regardless of your challenges, you persevered, kept me informed of your issues and managed to add to the course - thank you. So, on a scale of 1 to 4, this was a 3.9